Formal Picture


Jhalokathi, Barishal, Bangladesh

+880 1920599266

Mission and Vision:

I am eager to leverage my academic background, technical skills, and passion to embark on a dynamic career path. Seeking a challenging role in software development or artificial intelligence where I can apply my knowledge and upgrade my skills.

Technical Strengths:

Domain Expertise Django Web, Django REST, React, ML, Deep Learning
Programming Lang Python, C++, JavaScript, Java
ML Framework / Package TensorFlow, Pytorch, Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn
Internet of Things (IoT) Raspberry Pi, NodeMCU, Arduino
Database MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, Oracle , MongoDB
Simulation Software MATLAB , PSPICE , R Studio
Miscellaneous Tool Git (Version Control), Github, Azure, Docker, Latex

Educational Background:

B.Sc. in Engg. in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

Patuakhali Science & Technology University (PSTU).

From 2019 to 2024

3.30 out of 4.00


ML & Backend Engineer (Intern)

Intelsense AI

April 2024- Present

Django, FastAPI, Machine Learning

Research Assistant

Manash Sarker , Assistant Professor (PSTU)

March 2023 - Present

Deep Learning, Data Analysis

ICU Monitoring System (IOT)

Professor Md. Naimur Rahman , (PSTU)

Granted By (BANBEIS), Ministry of Education

July 2023- July 2024

Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Sensors, React, Socket Programming, Django Channel, Channel Layers.

Programming Profile:

Solved around 1000+ problems in different online judges.


Amin Crockeries (Ecommerce Website)

An e-commerce platform, leveraging Django and Django REST for backend operations, while employing Django Template Language (DTL), Bootstrap for frontend design. Proficient in ORM, Email Verification, and Report Generation using ReportLab, with Docker for seamless deployment.

Dhanshiri Students Welfare Association (DSWA)

The DSWA web application represents a student-driven endeavor with the objective of creating a platform for students hailing from Jhalokathi District. Purpose is to facilitate connections between students, teachers, and alumni, while also serving as a resource for staying informed about upcoming events.

Online Image Ediotor

A dynamic online image editor utilizing Django, and OpenCV for image processing. Leveraging DTL, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS for frontend design, I ensured responsive UI/UX. Proficient in system design and project management, I delivered a seamless platform for image manipulation and editing.

Student Diary (Faculty of CSE, PSTU)

The CSE-Diary project is a Flutter mobile app that uses the Django Rest Framework for the backend. The app allows users to create and manage their own profiles; it provides contact information for all students and gives class notifications through email.

Academic achievements & Awards:

Runner-Up in Project Showcasing 4th PSTU Independence Day
Education board scholarship PSC 2010, JSC 2014, SSC 2016
One Bank scholarship 2017, 2018
Aungkur scholarship 2019, 2020
Grameen Bank Scholarship 2014, 2016, 2019

Extracurricular activities:

Cadet of Bangladesh National Cadet Corps - BNCC (Naval Wing, PSTU).

Campus Ambassador Satyen Bose Science Club, BUET

Campus Leader and Volunteer of Bangladesh Flying Labs.

Faculty Ambassador of PSTU Carrier Club.

Competitive Programmer (Team member of PSTU_INTegers)


RC Projects, Reading and Gardening.