Md. Babul Hasan (Noyon) bhyeanhasan


ML & Backend Engineer (Intern)

Intelsense AI
April 2024- Present
Django, FastAPI, Machine Learning

Research Assistant

Manash Sarker , Assistant Professor (PSTU)
March 2023- Present
Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Traffic Prediction, Time Series

ICU Monitoring System (IOT)

Professor Md. Naimur Rahman , (PSTU)
July 2023- July 2024
Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Sensors, React, Socket Programming, Django Channel, Channel Layers.

Granted By

Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information & Statistics, (BANBEIS)
Ministry of Education, Bangladesh

Educational Qualification

Patuakhali Science and Technology University

Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

Govt. Syed Hatem Ali College


Science Group

Jhalokathi Govt. High School


Science Group

Mirzapur Govt. Primary School



Selected Courses & Certificates

Programming Profile

Extracurricular activities

My Projects

My Repositories